Alice and the Six-Legged Raisin!


Alice SpiderSometimes I have difficulty writing even my own name. At other times ideas seem to be like oil on water, spreading so fast that fingers on the keyboard have to run to keep up! This morning, from somewhere within the damp sawdust inside my head, this came rushing out.

While eating a meal,
Alice swallowed a spider.
She felt it travel,
deep down inside her!
Her older brother,
Sebastian Piers,
was always full,
of bright ideas!

“Some fizzy drinks,
might just work,
send up the spider,
on a great big burp!”
“If you stand,
on your head,
we might coax it out,
with a piece of bread!”

“If we fold your feet,
to your waist,
we’ll squeeze it out
like toothpaste!”
“With a fluffy feather,
I’ll make you sneeze,
The spider’s sure,
To come out with ease!”

Alice was tired
of playing his game,
she yawned and stretched,
and out it came!
Her mother said:
“No if’s or but,
you should always eat,
with your mouth shut!”

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