The Great Easter Getaway!


P1090516The Great Easter Getaway has started. What a change from last year when the beaches around the coast were packed with early sun-seekers! This year, even more people are flying off to find those sunny beaches rather than suffer Arctic temperatures at home. Even though plans are a-changing, motoring organisations are still predicting busy roads. So grab your emergency blankets, thermos flasks, snow shovel and prepare for the Great Easter Getaway 2013…

Jayden, Kelsee and the kids,
are queuing up at check-in,
The kids run free,
With ADHD,
Whilst every other word is feckin’.

The Taylor family from Bolton,
Broken down on the M1,
A nice rescue man,
Called ‘Fluorescent Stan’,
Will get them going by one!

Michael and Abi are moving,
They’re moving to Letchworth you see!
We hope no one shakes,
Their box full of snakes,
Or the new neighbours won’t ask them for tea!

Kevin’s new allotment in Baldock,
Is still mostly covered in snow!
It may be too late,
For a good cultivate,
But he’s bound to give it a go!

Stacey is going out shopping,
To Bluewater along with Charmaine!
They will go dine,
Lunch of pasta and wine,
Training for their trip out to Spain!

Mike and Jane are off to a pub quiz
They’re part of the ‘In-quiz-itors’ team!
Questions of sport,
Not really their sort,
To win would be a great dream!

Prakash and Nisha are in their shop,
It’s a working day,
For their success,
Involves some stress,
And much more work than play!

© Baldock Bard 2013
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The Baldock Boot Sale returns on 7am Saturday 13-4-13
: Baldock Bard
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