The Two Marys

Mowing the strips on a Friday!

I was cutting the rows today (Friday) ready for the Saturday Boot Sale and it was a very hot morning. I was reminded of a couple of buyers from many years ago that everyone called “The Two Marys!’
They were twins, an adorable pair and nobody could tell them apart.They were always jolly and generally a joy to have around and always called themselves The Bloody Marys! 
Not only did they share looks, height and hair colour, being identical, but they were both very much overweight. This they used to its full advantage, carrying out pincer moves on a stall in order to intimidate other buyers into parting the way and sellers into parting with the best bargains for the fewest coins.
I would always know they were about, when I’d hear one shout from the other side of the field: ”Oi Simon! Do you wanna be over six-feet tall? If so, come over here and lay between us and by the time we’ve finished with your skinny ribs between us, you’ll be squashed to well over six feet!”

Then on a very hot summers day we had to call an ambulance.
One of the Mary’s had collapsed onto a stall, the heat had got to her.
The other Mary was inconsolable and both were carted off in the ambulance.
Sadly I never saw either of them again, but whenever the weather is hot in the car boot sale field I think of them.

Have a great weekend
Stay Happy, Stay Lucky and please Stay Well
Simon (aka Baldock Bard)
