The Serene Swan!


The Serene SwanHow do you work best? Do you need a deadline and find that last-minute pressure guarantees your best performance? Or are you mega-organised, coasting through your working day like a helium balloon on a gentle breeze? In my little world, the pressure is on full volume at the moment and the oven is set to gas mark 9. Despite having had six months of an empty field to prepare for a new season of car boot sales, the weather and my poor time management has led to a last minute panic. It has to be ready for 7am Saturday morning or customers will be disappointed and have yet another excuse to laugh at me (rather than my choice of hat). However all is not lost, I am doing my slow breathing exercises: breath in… breath out…  and thinking calm thoughts…

I saw a serene swan,
gently floating on the water.
I called out, “Mrs Swan,
tell me, how’s your daughter?
And how is it that,
when all around could scream,
all you seem to do,
is gently float on down the stream?”

The swan looked at me,
neither bitter nor afraid:
“You really do not get it,”
she sounded quite dismayed.
“You think I’ve time to stop,
to enquire if you are well,
when underneath the surface
I am paddling hard as hell!”

© Baldock Bard 2013
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The Baldock Boot Sale returns on 7am this Saturday 13-4-13
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)
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