Dirty Dogs!


What could be more enjoyable than a pleasant walk through woodland after painting a room? Yesterday we celebrated the unseasonal weather with a ramble through the woods with dogs exploring. The coolness of the shade and the freshness of the morning combined with a fragrance that fabric-conditioner manufacturers could only dream about…

Yesterday after painting we took the dogs for a run
A pleasant August morning with nothing but bright sun
We walked through the woods, the dogs ran on ahead,
A terrier rolled in something that was obviously very dead!
Now our friends have spaniels, who really shouldn’t oughta,
Be walked by a pond, ditch or any kind or water!
Woody, he is ginger, not blessed with common sense,
Took to the water with a splat just by the wooden fence!
The water level was shallow rather like a moat,
He came out with black stuff covering his coat!
Back home in the yard, it was just as well,
The tap was turned on two fowl dogs to ease the awful smell!
Just for a while, of the two dogs we were not fond,
Next time we have a summer walk, we’ll just avoid the pond!
© Baldock Bard 2012
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