The Crafty Cabbie!


I’m always on the listen-out for new stories to pass on to you. I heard this one last night, told by an American friend and her husband (not the ones in the story). If you have any funny stories or anecdotes that you think others may enjoy on these pages, please send to baldockbard (at) (replace (at) with @). I hope you enjoy their story…

The Crafty Cabbie

Once a cabbie I used to know.
Picked up two tourists from Heathrow,
Now he was known by one and all,
By the practical jokes he used to pull.
“Welcome aboard, First or Second Class?
Depends on where you park your ass.
The wide seat at the back the pile is deeper,
The small fold-down seats being much cheaper.”
The two large Americans immediately chose
And spent the half-hour journey in a very painful pose!

© Baldock Bard
The Baldock Car Boot Sale’s 20th anniversary season continues next Saturday!
BootLine: 07852 707 074
