A Farmer Went to Mow (without his dog)!


JCB+BatwingOne question I’m constantly being asked is, “How do you keep the grass at the boot sale looking so good?” I’m afraid it has little to do with magic or skill, we simply have a large ‘bat-wing’ mower that fits onto our JCB Fastrac tractor. The pitches are then marked out using a small John Deere ride-on. No fairy dust or magic, just two clever machines, sorry to spoil your illusions…

A farmer went to mow,
Went to mow a boot sale,
With JCB and mower- see!
Went to mow the boot sale.
His son-in-law went to mow,
Went to mow the pitches,
With a ride on mower to cut grass lower,
Went to mow the pitches!
You could all come and mow,
Come to mow a meadow!
You will see that it’s easy!
Come and mow a meadow!
JD Ride-on© Baldock Bard 2013
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above

The Baldock Boot Sale is open every Saturday at 7am
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)u-boot.co.uk
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The Hidden English Garden!


IMG_0098Sometimes in life you are lucky to come across a view that takes your breath away. It may be a sunset, a painting in a gallery, a photograph in a magazine or even a small baby asleep! The other day I was walking through a beautiful Cambridgeshire village, bemoaning the fact that most of the gardens had impenetrable high walls, when I came across an open door. Whether the glimpse into forbidden territory made it more special, I couldn’t say, but there lay a beautiful garden. As a disinterested gardener I was most surprised at my reaction, maybe it’s old age…

I was walking through a village,
A chocolate-box cover sort of place!
When I came across an open door,
That made my old heart start to race!
Now Americans might have ‘a back yard’
And others may not seem to care,
But to sneak a peak into a garden here,
Is something special that hits you there!
I couldn’t name the flowers,
The weeds I’d probably pardon!
But it’s true I love the view,
Of a hidden English garden!
IMG_0099With gracious thanks to the owner for leaving the door open thus allowing me to peek into their truly beautiful hidden world.

© Baldock Bard 2013
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above

The Baldock Boot Sale is open every Saturday at 7am
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)u-boot.co.uk
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A Close Shave on the Terror Wheel


Sun Fairground rideLast year I was staying in St Neots over the Jubillee Weekend. Now I have been described in the past as ‘a bit of a wimp’ when it comes to fairground rides. Following many days spent on Health and Safety courses, and many hours spent hunched over risk assessments, I now see danger at every turn. However I was challenged in an “I’ll go on it if you will” way by friend Hazel (Backroom powerhouse of Big Matt the Handyman – ‘No Job Too Small’ and drowner of mobile phones! http://bit.ly/ZK9Zwo ). I don’t know what your childhood memories are like, but my hazy recollections include many such moments along, at times, with the consequences of wimping out. So it was only 365 days ago last Sunday that Hazel and I found ourselves in what can only be described as a giant washing machine drum (on a short rinse thanks to the non-stop rain!)…

The wheel at the fair goes round and round
We’re off the ground
Spinning round
The wheel on the ride goes up and down
At St Neots Jubilee Fair!

363 Days Later…

The wheel at the fair came tumbling down,
They’re on the ground,
No longer spinning around
The wheel on the ride came tumbling down,
At St Neots Fair day!

With best wishes for a speedy recovery to the eleven people injured at the St Neots fair last Friday.
Picture: Thanks to the Sun.
© Baldock Bard 2013
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above

The Baldock Boot Sale is open every Saturday at 7am
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)u-boot.co.uk
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The Council’s Vultures (that we love to hate!)


Baldock Traffic WardensRecently there has been a news story about over-zealous traffic wardens issuing parking tickets in Warley, West Midlands. The article was headed: ‘March of the Little Hitlers’ and reported that traffic wardens had targeted a group of little old ladies outside a church. While I only know the reported facts that may or may not be perfectly true (and who am I to question the unbiased reporting of AN Wilson in the Daily Mail?), I only know what I have witnessed in Baldock…

They walk in pairs down the street,
Fluorescent-wearing twins,
Looking for miscreant parkers,
To punish for their sins!

There once was a Baldock warden,
Before targets were the norm,
Would enquire in the shop whose car it was,
“Please hurry,” she used to warn.

But now they bus them into town,
Vultures after prey,
Plaster tickets around the town,
Driving shoppers far away.

I know they have a job to do,
Encouraged by the liberal elite,
It’s important to clear the narrow roads,
But not our wide High Street!

© Baldock Bard 2013
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above

The Baldock Boot Sale is open every Saturday at 7am
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)u-boot.co.uk
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Eric and Alice Recreate Their Youth with Two Wheels!


Park CyclingYesterday I watched a retired couple cycle through a local park. Bradley Wiggins and Victoria Pendleton they weren’t, but if this is ‘Legacy from the Games’ I’m all for it! I can only hope that if I reach retirement age (whatever age that’ll be by the time my turn arrives) I can enjoy being as active. I must get down to the gym and try my hand at spinning and follow my friend Alastair’s example (although not the 105 miles London Revolution he cycled the other weekend!)…

Eric and Alice are just retired,
They’ve got an adequate pension,
They think it’s great,
To recreate,
Days further off than they mention!

Back then they courted on two wheels,
In those days few had a car,
On Eric’s racer,
He would chase her!
She would let him catch her (say aaah!).

Last week they bought two new bikes,
They take their time as they can,
They don’t go far,
Before finding a bar,
Alice still being chased by her man!

They like to cycle through the park,
Sometimes they’re similarly attired,
You could say,
As I saw them yesterday,
That they’ve both become re-tyred!

© Baldock Bard 2013
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above

The Baldock Boot Sale is open every Saturday at 7am
: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
E-mail: baldockbard(at)u-boot.co.uk
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